our corp
please reach out to our pr department for questions or complaints regarding our type

We’re Upper Management, a type foundry focused on making type that sells. Buy our type and use it for your projects for real profit and real results.

John Boran Jr.
co-founder / type designer / dad-like
Mr. Boran is a type designer and head of the International Type Department which we promise is more than just him in a dimly lit cubicle on floor 3.

Jay Higginbotham
co-founder / type designer / actual dad
Mr. H has eleborate experience with custom type masterpieces. He works closely with Mr. Boran to mastermind highly profitable specimens which are perfected by the ITD.

Roby Fitzhenry
co-founder / CFO / actual dad
Mr. Fitzhenry does not design type. Instead, he makes critical comments to drive success in a macro-managerial way. His money also serves company growth well.

Levi Huddleston
co-founder / type designer / actual dad
Mr. Huddleston did little to earn his ownership stake, yet we respect his salesmanship. We're excited to update this bio with things he has actually contributed, though that has yet to come.